Silver Dollar Speedway
Race Day News for Teams and Fans
David Tarter Memorial Race Notes
June 16, 2023
• Race Teams: There is only one way to get into the pits this Friday. Use the Martin Luther King Pkwy and turn just past the Animal Hospital into a dirt lot. From there, head towards the back side of the pit area and enter through the gate. The pit shack will be just inside the gate. The Tarter family will also have a t-shirt table set up in that spot. DO NOT GO TO THE MAIN ENTRANCE. DO NOT GO THROUGH THE COSTCO ENTRANCE.
• Back stretch pit spots are reserved with last names.
• All Pro Stocks must park/pit together outside of turn three and four. This togetherness speeds up our show. You will line up and come onto the track off turn four.
• Crate Sprint Teams can park at any unmarked spot. Crate Sprints will enter the track at normal spot, push off lane, outside of turn two.
• The pit gate opens at 2 PM. Pill draw opens at 4 PM. Mandatory drivers meeting 4:45 PM at white board. Cars on track at 5:15 PM. With a high car count expected, time limits will be in effect for all three divisions throughout the night.
• PLEASE do not leave tires, trash, or wings behind. The pits are clean when you enter, please leave it the same way when you leave. THANK YOU!
David Tarter Memorial Race Fan Notes
June 16, 2023
• The front grandstand gate opens at 5 PM.
• Tickets are available to buy on race day starting at 5 PM at the box office. We will not sell tickets earlier than 5 PM.
• To avoid waiting in line, tickets can be purchased online at https://silverdollar.ticketspice.com/david-tarter-memorial-weekend
• Parking is FREE in the main lot of the Fairgrounds.
• Cars plan to be on track no later than 5:30 PM.
• The Tarter family will have a display table by the SLC Souvenir booth.
• Concessions and beer booth will be open at 5 PM.
Submitted By: troy hennig