Silver Dollar Speedway
2018 Banquet Letter
2343 Fair Street
Chico, CA 95928
Email: info@silverdollarspeedway.com
October 12, 2018
Dear Silver Dollar and Marysville Supporter:
First, our personal thanks for your past support of Silver Dollar Speedway and Marysville Raceway. We’re excited about the prospects of the future and hope to bring success to the racing community.
The celebration of the 2018 racing season is fast approaching. Our Silver Dollar Speedway and Marysville Raceway awards banquet will be held at Colusa Casino in Colusa on Saturday night November 17th. Please accept this letter as our invitation to you for an evening of dining, fun, and awards.
We found Colusa Casino very willing to provide a good venue for our banquet, but thought it would be even better if you could also join us. Lodging is very limited this year, so please make you arrangement early if you plan to stay. Banquet tickets will be $45 and includes a delicious array of banquet menu choices. A no host bar will be open at 6:00 and dinner is at 7:00. Awards will follow.
A ticket order form is attached. You may call or complete the form and return it to the address above before November 9th. We ask you to confirm your reservation so we can make dinner plans with Colusa Casino. If you have any questions our office number is 530-350-7275.
We hope your schedule will allow your attendance.
We’re committed to making Silver Dollar Speedway and Marysville Raceway a better place to visit and a pleasant racing experience. Thanks again, and we hope to hear from you soon.
Dennis and Sandy Gage
Silver Dollar Speedway
2018 Silver Dollar Speedway and Marysville Raceway Banquet Reservation Form
Number of attendees @ $45___
Please call or return this form by November 9th.
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